Thursday 1 October 2009


Well done! Once you have just created your own space, your own site, your own notebook. Now you´ll have to post some basic information about yourself, writing a short text or just filling the enclosed template which you have in paper. This is your first assignment. Good luck. Javier.

Welcome to my world

My name is _____________ I am _________ I live ________
Here's some more information about me:
I like _________________
I hate ________________
My best friends __________________________
I collect / I don´t collect __________________. For example:
I'm scared of ______________________________
For breakfast, I have ____________________________
The food that I like most is _______________________
My most precious possession is __________________
The person / thing who / which annoys me most ___________
If I were an animal _______________
My best friend would describe me as ___________________
If I could change my name it would be __________________
I can't resist ___________________________
My number one of (almost) everything:
TV show: _________________
Film/movie: ________________
actor: ____________________
actress: ___________________
music group / artist: __________
food: _____________________
sports team / person: _________
My message to the world:______________

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