Thursday 12 November 2009

November tasks. Presentation (USA & Thanksgiving)

As explained this week in class, You´ll have to prepare a short presentation udoing your very best to impress both your teacher and classmates. Eventually, you´ll have to embed it and post it in you blog and later explaining in a session. It´s easy when you get the hang of it. I´ll help you, don´t worry; but you´ll have to work on your own to get the best from the web. Surf the links and try to be personal, don´t copy as you´ll have to tell us all later. Good luck.

The place now called "the United States" has been inhabited since prehistoric times by Native American tribes. In time, Europeans "discovered" and eventually began establishing colonies in the eastern part of today's United States of America. The Netherlands, Spain, France, and England were the primary European countries that competed to settle and exploit the resources of the "New World." After several attempts, the British founded Jamestown, their first successful North American colony. Jamestown was a small settlement on the James River in the present-day state of Virginia. This first colony was expanded into 13 colonies as the British Crown divided up the land along the coast of the American continent: IF YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS COUNTRY, TRY THIS LINK AND THE ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED: USA:

Americans gather with their families in a celebration which is considered to be more important than Christmas. Domestic flights are fully booked long before this special weekend. But the origins of the festival have historical rrots and traditions pass from generation to the next. Try the quiz to learn more about American history and culture. THANKSGIVING CELEBRATIONS

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