Thursday 12 November 2009

Thanksgiving links

USA celebations. Useful links

The History of Thanksgiving
The Thanksgiving Story

Other Thanksgiving Stuff
Thanksgiving Recipes

USA links

The United States entry in Simple English Wikipedia. Challenging for pre-intermediate level.

Differences in vocabulary between American and British English, grouped into subject categories. Pre-intermediate and above.

United States country profile from the BBC website. Challenging for intermediate level.

More resources:

A MAD Pictorial Map of the United States (

Explore the States - with an interactive map - (
Interactive Map of the USA (

United States of America Geography - information and links - interactive map (
Explore the States - with an interactive map (Textes courts et simples) - (
Maps of United States National Parks and Monuments (University of Texas)
Exercises :

Guide to offbeat tourist attractions - (
USA State Map/Quiz Printouts (on the geography of each State) and Answers (enchantedlearning)
USA Label Me! Printouts - to print (enchantedlearning)
USA Quiz - - (
Place the State - (interactive) - (

November tasks. Presentation (USA & Thanksgiving)

As explained this week in class, You´ll have to prepare a short presentation udoing your very best to impress both your teacher and classmates. Eventually, you´ll have to embed it and post it in you blog and later explaining in a session. It´s easy when you get the hang of it. I´ll help you, don´t worry; but you´ll have to work on your own to get the best from the web. Surf the links and try to be personal, don´t copy as you´ll have to tell us all later. Good luck.

The place now called "the United States" has been inhabited since prehistoric times by Native American tribes. In time, Europeans "discovered" and eventually began establishing colonies in the eastern part of today's United States of America. The Netherlands, Spain, France, and England were the primary European countries that competed to settle and exploit the resources of the "New World." After several attempts, the British founded Jamestown, their first successful North American colony. Jamestown was a small settlement on the James River in the present-day state of Virginia. This first colony was expanded into 13 colonies as the British Crown divided up the land along the coast of the American continent: IF YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS COUNTRY, TRY THIS LINK AND THE ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED: USA:

Americans gather with their families in a celebration which is considered to be more important than Christmas. Domestic flights are fully booked long before this special weekend. But the origins of the festival have historical rrots and traditions pass from generation to the next. Try the quiz to learn more about American history and culture. THANKSGIVING CELEBRATIONS

Thursday 22 October 2009

Halloween countdown

Halloween Countdown & MySpace Layouts

Related Websites Halloween fun on the net
Haunted Halloween Castle . . .


You’ll have to browse the web to search for specific information in order to find the following information. Once obtained, send it back before 31st Oct. Thus, we are starting up our first project. Enjoy surfing the net and learning English:

1.- Find out the price of Disney’s Halloween party for this year at Disney Resort Paris.
2.- Get the price and the cover (image of the film) of a famous American movie called Halloween Resurrection. There is a special offer at the moment!!!
3.-There is a radio station which broadcast typical creepy and horror songs all day long. Get the website address and 3 tittles of songs related with Halloween.
4.- Find an easy joke in English which has to do with Halloween (You can get some at a widely known "holiday spot")
5.- Embed a creepy video about some interesting Halloween scene.

Thursday 15 October 2009


This is my first post : Remember that you have to give permission to your teacher to handle your blog ( Remember to accept terms of service too and also you have to start making a list of blogs of all of your classmates.These are the essential tools.
Soon we´ll start with Halloween tasks. have a look at the English department website:

Thursday 1 October 2009


Well done! Once you have just created your own space, your own site, your own notebook. Now you´ll have to post some basic information about yourself, writing a short text or just filling the enclosed template which you have in paper. This is your first assignment. Good luck. Javier.

Welcome to my world

My name is _____________ I am _________ I live ________
Here's some more information about me:
I like _________________
I hate ________________
My best friends __________________________
I collect / I don´t collect __________________. For example:
I'm scared of ______________________________
For breakfast, I have ____________________________
The food that I like most is _______________________
My most precious possession is __________________
The person / thing who / which annoys me most ___________
If I were an animal _______________
My best friend would describe me as ___________________
If I could change my name it would be __________________
I can't resist ___________________________
My number one of (almost) everything:
TV show: _________________
Film/movie: ________________
actor: ____________________
actress: ___________________
music group / artist: __________
food: _____________________
sports team / person: _________
My message to the world:______________

Welcoming message

Estimad@ alumn@:

Bienvenido al curso de idiomas “Taller de Lenguas Extranjeras: Inglés 2.0”, (o cómo manejarte con el Inglés dentro y fuera de la red sin morir en el intento)". Soy Javier, la otra mitad del un curso semi-virtual por su planteamiento, que se hace en parte on-line a través de simples ejercicios que podrás realizar, en su mayoría, dentro del aula. También podrás perfeccionar y practicar a tu ritmo en tu tiempo libre, en casa o donde quieras conectarte. El curso está basado en el aprendizaje de aspectos de la cultura de habla inglesa a través del uso de las nuevas tecnologías y la denominada Web2.0.

El objetivo, como ya se ha comentado, es poner en funcionamiento tus conocimientos de inglés a la vez que aprendes cosas nuevas relacionadas con la cultura y civilización del mundo que nos rodea. Espero que disfrutes del curso y que, a la vez, aprendas los recursos adecuados para trabajar con Internet y, de manera autónoma, acceder, encontrar y crear lo que desees.

El enfoque que vamos a plantear está basado en el “Portfolio de las Lenguas Extranjeras” (ELP: European Language Portfolio: ) mediante el cual plantearemos diversas actividades a fin de practicar las diferentes destrezas lingüísticas (Reading, Writing, Listening & Speaking). En un futuro, la mayoría de los “mails” y comunicaciones con el profesor serán en inglés, pues el principal objeto de este curso es mejorar la competencia con este idioma. Para ello contaremos con nuestro propio “cuaderno digital -Your Virtual Notebook”, tu propio “blog” (, una bitácora de trabajo y progreso que deberás crear y mantener como registro de tus actividades. Es por eso que primera de las actividades consiste precisamente en eso, en crear nuestro propio espacio en la red donde guardar y exponer aquello que consideramos interesante. Cada vez que publiques un contenido o me mandes un correo de la asignatura (, deberás hacerlo especificado e indicando siempre en el “Asunto: NOMBRE+TÍTULO EJERCICIO”. Son realmente sencillos y lo único que pretenden es reforzar las habilidades de comprensión y expresión con el idioma, en este caso el inglés.

Por ello te recuerdo que la primera actividad del curso consiste en que me envíes un mensaje de correo electrónico ( de respuesta a éste mío de presentación. Me gustaría saber por qué has elegido esta optativa, si tienes conocimientos previos o experiencias de uso del inglés e informática, visitas al extranjero y qué esperas conseguir al realizarlo y todas aquellas cosas que consideres oportunas.

Finalmente, me gustaría recordaros que estoy a vuestra disposición, para intentar resolver cuantas dudas se os puedan presentar a lo largo del curso, bien personalmente o mediante estas tecnologías que nos permiten “abrir 24 horas”.

Un cordial saludo,

We´ll keep in touch on the net,

J. Javier Martínez González.
Curso 0910. Profesor Inglés IES La Marina